Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flipper Fins - #15 Flipper Fin Fun

I'm so happy that everything is moving along so quickly! I originally set a schedule of having a week to finish each illustration. However, I see that I don't need a full week. I continue to be amazed at how the new painting media is working and I just love it! I think I have finally found what will work for me as an illustrator.

Last night, I sat down with an idea for the next little book. I charted it out as to what would happen on each page. Looking at making the next book a double page spread. I felt a little cramped up trying to make this format work. I struggled with composition quite a bit and just felt like I was fighting the format overall.

I think this a fantastic day in age to be experimenting with digital painting and digital books! High fun, low cost and challenging enough to hold my interest!!

2 illustrations down, 14 to go!!

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